The Marine LNG Institute

Grow & Expand Your Skills

Frequently Asked Questions

Our focused and strategic courses are designed and targeted to empower our students in this commercially attractive commodity that facilitates the efficient handling and transportation of LNG around the world. The LNG industry is developing new sources of supply and the technologies have evolved in recent years to enable offshore infrastructure to develop and handle resources in more remote and harsher environments. We provide an ideal platform for professionals involved in the LNG industry and to those who want to gain a better understanding of the key basic and relevant topics in LNG projects in operation, in planning and development.

Our current student base consists of:

  • Offshore supply vessel owners and operators
  • Oil and Gas majors
  • Non-Technical professionals 
  • Independents contractors within the LNG industry
  • Ship superintendents and Safety officers, Ship officers and crews – master, chief officers, chief engineers
  • Underwriters and claims specialists
  • Loading and mooring masters
  • Environmental and Green Technology consultants
  • STS service providers
  • Chemical Engineers and professionals
  • Soft skill employees in the marine engineering space
  • Marine Engineers and Project Directors
  • Operational Managers of marine engineering teams
  • Marine Operation Managers
  • Senior Marine Engineers
  • Marine Assurance specialists
  • SIRE Inspectors
  • Marine Superintendents
  • Carbon and Energy business strategists
  • Ship management and Fleet Operation managers
  • Marine Operational specialists
  • Port operational Superintendents
  • QHSE Managers
  • Marine Regulatory and Innovation specialists
  • Marine surveyors
  • Fleet Managers
  • Commercial Marine Managers
  • LNG Operators
  • OCIMF Inspectors Cat 1 (Oil/Chemical/Gas)
  • Marine Educational development and capability officers
  • Marine and Port Energy Efficiency project developers
  • Marine Engineering research and developers in new energy technologies
  • Marine Engineering R & D
  • Green Energy development professionals
  • Marine Asset Managers
  • Insurance professionals
  • Master Mariners
  • Logistics and cargo providers
  • Equipment and manufacturing soft skill employees wishing to advance into the maritime sector
  • Sustainability and Decarbonisation Project Managers
  • Project Planners
  • [Co2] Carbon Neutral technology Engineers
  • Cost Estimators and Quality Assurance Managers
  • Contract Managers/Procurement Managers
  • Project Engineers/Discipline Engineers
  • Technical Assistants
  • Quality assurance, insurance and claim handlers and surveyors
  • LNGC and LNG FSRU liquid cargo operators
  • Bunker operators and surveyors
  • Ports and terminal operators
  • P&I inspectors and shipping 

Great. Welcome to our Institute that is specifically custom designed to meet your requirements. All our courses are suitable so that those with little or no understanding in the LNG industry can quickly develop their individual knowledge base, anywhere in the world. LNG is the fastest segment of the worldwide gas market. In addition, it is abundant, economical, environmentally friendly, can be transported safely to global destinations and can be utilized as a fuel source in the marine industry. There is a recognised skill shortage globally to meet this demand. Our mission is to correct this recognized shortfall and skill shortage in the marine LNG sector and throughout the entire LNG supply chain. We recognize this current and projected skills shortage which is also anticipated to create knowledge-based challenges through the marine oil and gas sectors.

We have combined the world’s leading LNG experts in one place. We have found that, no one particular expert, has the requisite learning, experience and educational ability to teach in every single facete in the LNG and marine industry.   As an example, we have the combined expertise of world leading expert lecturers in; LNG marine engineering, LNG and Petrochemical science, LNG Safety, LNG equipment technicians. With a variety of sea going experience, including having served as Chief Engineers and also ashore as LNG Superintendents. 

The Marine LNG Institute courses combine all this expertise.  Our greatest asset are our people, who feature strongly in all maritime and marine industries involved in marine engineering, machinery, maintenance, LNG, oil and gas science, marine safety, propulsion, vessel part procurement, manufacturing, component integrity, compliance, marine insurance, cargo handling and equipment.

Our specific LNG course curriculum and vision is to meet the skill shortfalls and industry demand, combined with our commitment to share our knowledge, expertise and support as new LNG technologies develop internationally. LNG Technical Operations. The curriculum is structured into the following faculties;

  • Marine LNG Technologies
  • LNG Safety
  • LNG Business and Economic considerations and demands
  • Advanced LNG Fuel STS and Bunkering
  • Engineering and design
  • LNG Compliance and Regulatory
  • Insurance and LNG Charter Party Agreements

You may register for admission with the institute whenever you wish, however class sizes are strictly limited to 10 students per course. This ensures that all course learned outcomes, full content delivery and assignments are met, and to ensure all our students have a greater opportunity to engage with the course lecturer and students.  We never increase our class sizes.

To register for all our courses we require students to complete the Marine LNG Institute Registration Application via our website or simply contact our friendly admission staff via our website. Registration and payment must be received in order to confirm your admission to a course. Please ensure you provide full details for billing purposes via your application.

Bank Transfer and Invoicing payment details will be forwarded upon your application and subject to availability, as class sizes are strictly limited to 10 students per course. Registration and payment must be received in order to confirm your admission to a course. Please ensure you provide full details for billing purposes via your application. The Institute does not accept cheque or credit card payments.

Registration and payment must be received by the institute in order to confirm your admission to a course which is subject to availability, as class sizes are strictly limited to 10 students per course. Please ensure you provide full details for billing purposes via your application. You will be notified by our administration staff of your successful admission via email. Should you not gain admission due to limited availability, please apply for the next available course as soon as possible to avoid further delay and disappointment.

It is the student’s responsibility to enrol online with the Institute as early as possible in a course they wish to undertake. Our students are expected to be willing to increase their current knowledge base. Students who work well independently and who are strongly motivated to succeed in their goals will benefit the most from taking one of our VLT distance learning courses.  Contact our friendly administration staff and they will assist you. Should you not gain admission due to limited availability, please apply for the next available course as soon as possible to avoid further delay and disappointment.

Class size is an important determinate of student outcomes, students will have more opportunity to interact, leading to better educational outcomes. This allows all our students to have a greater opportunity to engage with both the course lecturers and other students. The institute is committed to student learnt outcomes and place great empathise on the educational benefits associated with small class sizes.

The Marine LNG Institute promotes and supports all our students to ask questions during VLT with our lecturers and other students live online, and/or via the institutes student chat rooms which are overseen and administered by course lecturers over the course duration.

All our online courses are by [VLT] which means Live – Virtual Lead Instructor Training. Our lecturers will be live online delivering the course throughout the duration, to assist you conduct assignments, answer your questions, and provide feedback. Upon enrolment you will be notified by email as to the online log in process and full course instructions, outlining what is required of our students during the course.  This includes course material work books and study notes, handouts and case studies. All course assignments are forwarded to our students during the course online for completion. You can participate in a virtual lead training with the institute from a location of your choosing. There is no need to travel and typically you save money in transport and accommodation.

All our students have many reasons why they study online with us, including:

  • a need to update knowledge 
  • wanting to add industry-focused expertise
  • It is a specialist field
  • to understand the task of the people I manage
  • to boost my CV
  • a company decision to invest in their staff
  • a desire to increase salary
  • other courses have been really beneficial
  • CPD requirements
  • to show employers I’m interested in investing in my capability
  • to open new employment opportunities
  • an inexpensive way to study a subject
  • develop new knowledge and skills
  • a cost-effective training method
  • make me feel better about myself
  • to understand a subject
  • to develop self-management skills

Distance learning with the Marine LNG Institute can be highly beneficial to a large variety of people.  With courses being delivered at different levels, from short introductory courses through to longer more academic advanced programs, VLT distance learning can meet the needs of a diverse student body. 

High competition for jobs globally means having additional training and education can be a real advantage, whether someone is in the market for a new career or simply wants to progress in their existing position.

Like any kind of educational program and delivery method, distance learning comes with advantages and challenges, and it is always important that a student carefully considers these in order to be sure they will be getting an education program that meets personal needs, strengths, career goals and maybe corporate objectives.

Distance learning is the fastest growing study method for professionals.  Benefits include:

  • Access – Students can undertake a program of study from just about anywhere in the world, providing they have a computer and internet connection. This allows students to work where and when it is most convenient for them without having to squeeze scheduled classes in to an already busy life.  By studying a distance learning program students gain access to expert lecturers and tutors who would not normally be accessible.
  • Flexibility – The hours when study can be undertaken are flexible, and students can work at their own pace and on their own time, completing work during times when they are free, rather than scheduling their lives around a set classroom time.
  • No travel – Taking a course by distance learning or online can be one way to cut down on costly transport and accommodation costs. Since students can work from the office or home, or even a hotel when travelling for work, to undertake their study and complete their assignments, both time and money are saved in cutting out the trips to and from class.
  • Level and progression – Distance learning can help you obtain everything from professional introductory certificates or individual modules to suit their workplace.
  • Lowered costs – Fees for online Marine LNG Institute courses are generally cheaper than their equivalent classroom tutor-led counterparts and do not include all the substantial additional hidden costs, such as venue hire, commuting, accommodation, meals etc. that are incurred when learning away from home.
  • Part-time study – Distance learning courses are usually for part-time study, so you learn whilst you continue to work and earn an income.  You don’t need to take the risks associated with leaving your employer like full-time courses require.
  • Lecturer/Tutor support – Lecturers can teach students from all around the world using technology which allows them to facilitate collaborative tutorials, project work, focused content and educational enrichment via modern delivery methods (i.e. VLT). Distance learning with the Marine LNG Institute brings you experts and lecturers from around the world, which would not normally be available locally.
  • Learn while working – As distance learning can usually be completed on your own schedule, you can keep working full-time whilst studying. Keeping your job gives you more income, experience and stability while completing your course; giving you less to worry about and more time to focus on your studies.
  • Learning style – People learn in different ways. Distance learning has many benefits for our students as you take control of your preferred means of studying our material, and our courses will help ensure you stay motivated and we’ll help you plan your study schedule.
  • Social interaction – Some distance learning providers can leave you feeling isolated during your study, but with our courses you always have your course support and fellow students available via interactive course forums, chat and VLT so that support is available and you can benefit from all important social learning.

Many of our students who study with us will study multiple courses with us as they have reaped the benefits of undertaking a program and want to progress even further.

For many, distance education is the learning style of choice as it offers a lower cost and longer-term learning engagement. Study can fit around available time without interfering with work or family arrangements; the training is non-geographic specific and does not require travel, and is free of any other considerations that may preclude individuals from attending traditional classroom courses.

Numerous academic research reports have been conducted, and results suggest that:

  • Distance learning “works” in the sense that student’s experience at least as much success when they utilize distance learning modes of study as compared to when they pursue conventional bricks and mortar education.
  • Distance learning programs are usually far more cost-effective learning and training investments, either for students, companies, organizations or governments.
  • Some students do better when undertaking distance learning compared to classroom tuition, based on grades and subsequent academic success as the format better matches their learning style.
  • Often a distance learning faculty can be more experienced than a classroom equivalent as distance learning courses are able to draw on a far wider course team.

On the whole, the numerous research reports produced on the subject conclude “no significant difference” exists between the accomplishment of a distance learning student and a classroom based one, but a student’s learning style(s) and receptivity to distance learning influence the overall student success.

One lasting benefit of distance learning is that it instills self-directed learning habits and fosters intellectual curiosity which will encourage students to keep developing themselves personally and professionally.

Students who work well independently and who are strongly motivated to succeed in their goals will benefit the most from taking one of our VLT distance learning courses.  As students are not in a classroom and will not be closely monitored by a lecturer; reading, projects and other assignments must be completed in a timely fashion – learning time management skills as a by-product. Tips for students to succeed at distance learning at the Marine LNG Institute are:

  • Set yourself targets for completing the course – maybe with a specific reward at the end.
  • Set aside a quiet area in which to study where you will not be interrupted by your colleagues, family, telephone, television etc.
  • Plan your week and time to undertake your study.
  • Start studying a module as soon as it is released.
  • Read the course materials and concentrate on what you are reading.
  • Take frequent pauses in which to organize and review the material in your mind.
  • At the end of each study session, review everything you have read, making notes of important points.  Undertake any assignments and tests promptly – do not delay and let them build up. Target to complete them early.
  • Engage in social interaction with fellow participants via the course forum and chat room – introduce yourself to other participants at the start of the course via the forum.
  • Regularly check the forum and discuss subject issues with your fellow participants.

This is course dependant but like all professional education institutions and universities, all courses consist of compulsory modules, assignments and case studies.  The institute is a learning environment and our educational methods and outcomes are performance based.  The number of assignments is course dependant. Usually, 1 to 2 assignments will be conducted and completed.  Assignments can either be completed in group sessions or individually.  All assignments are compulsory.

All our faculty courses have 15-minute morning tea breaks, a 1-hour lunch break and a 15-minute afternoon tea break.  The total daily contact hours including these breaks is approximately between 7 – 8 hours.

You will receive a credit from the Marine LNG Institute and be invited to attend the next course you have enrolled in at no cost. Should you be unable to attend, a substitute is welcome at no extra charge. Substitutions must be received in writing at least 10 business days before the start of the event. No refund will be made available for cancellation notifications received less than 10 business days before the event.

As this a virtual classroom appropriate classroom behavior is expected. Log into your course from a distraction free, quiet environment.  Please keep your audio on mute until you want to speak during the course. This will help to limit background noise. If you would like to speak or answer a question, use the “Raise Hand” feature, then unmute yourself after you are called on.  If you would like to use the institute course chat box to ask a question please do so, remember that it is public.  Have paper and a pen or pencil handy to take notes. Don’t interrupt other people when they’re speaking (or attempt to speak over them). Be on time. Be respectful of others.  Remember, if you do not understand any of the concepts or have questions for the lecturer – no problem. It will be addressed; our lecturers are there to help.

Prior to the course commencement, the faculty will forward electronic [PDF] versions of the necessary learning material in workbook format to our students by email. It is our student’s responsibility to arrange hard copies [printed versions] of all course material.  Our students are expected to have all course material available during the course in either soft copy or hard copy format.

Students will require a good internet connection, P.C, notes pads and pens, calculators and a quiet learning environment. Some students utilise noise cancelling headsets depending upon where they are studying.  It is not uncommon for our student to be studying with us whilst they are at sea.

To obtain the Marine LNG Institute Certificate of Completion issued by the Marine LNG Institute requires the successful completion of the course[s] undertaken. Eligibility for membership of the Marine LNG Institute and postnominals [MLNGInst] is dependent on the successful completion of one of our Marine LNG Institute courses coupled with relevant work experience in Maritime or LNG related fields. The Marine LNG Institute is the premier provider of knowledge in this niche sector within the maritime industry. We are solely focused upon the LNG industry, unlike all other educational institutions. People are why organizations are successful. That’s why our acclaimed LNG training courses follow the latest new trends, developments, knowledge and LNG technologies. We are proud to pass this on to those who are willing to learn and increase their existing knowledge base. Training is the catalyst that makes people make difference. We have renown experts in LNG and ensure our level of excellence is unsurpassed. So, if you are new to the Marine LNG Institute, we look forward to assisting you on your learning journey. If you are a previous alumni and former student welcome back.

The Marine LNG Institute does not offer concession, discounts or other financial incentives to students to increase their own knowledge base.  Our students are expected to be willing to increase their current knowledge base and learn. On the successful completion of one of our Marine LNG Institute courses, coupled with relevant work experience in Maritime or LNG related fields student will be provided; based upon qualifications that can be recognised only after successful completion of our current courses, to become a member of the Marine LNG Institute [MLNGInst]. Membership will grant access to extra-curricular online learning material, news and technical publications in Marine LNG fields.

This is course dependant. All our lecturers are involved in the LNG and maritime industry and have specific skill sets.  It is not uncommon for our factuality courses to be conducted by several lectures.  As an example, LNG Ship Operations and Petrochemical Science.  Please visit the specific course prospectus description via our website for more details.

This is course dependant.  All our lecturers have in excess of 25 years industry experience. Like all other academic institutes, our lecturers conduct courses whilst continuing with their careers in the LNG marine industry or whilst they are conducting research and development in the LNG marine industry. Continuing with their aim of contributing to the LNG maritime industry, future advancements and technological development.  Please visit the course description prospectus via our website for more details.

We understand all our students are available online but subject to differing time zones and availability. The institute conducts courses throughout the year in differing time zones [example; SING GMT+, USA CST + and Central European Time GMT +] so that our student base is not unduly affected.  Please check our training programme scheduling via our website or via any of our social media platforms for updates and further developments and course dates at the Marine LNG Institute or register with us online or via email.

All Workbook material in PDF required to complete the course. All case studies, glossary and terms. The Alumni Marine LNG Institute Certificate of Completion [issued after course completion]. Eligibility for membership of the Marine LNG Institute and Postnominals [MLNGInst]. Course checklists and ready reckoners and further research material and required readings. Eligibility for membership of the Marine LNG Institute and Postnominals [MLNGInst] is dependent on the successful completion of one of our Marine LNG Institute courses coupled with relevant work experience in Maritime or LNG fields. Qualifications can be recognised after the successful completion of our current courses.

Eligibility for membership of the Marine LNG Institute and postnominals [MLNGInst] is dependent on the successful completion of one of our Marine LNG Institute courses coupled with relevant work experience in Maritime or LNG related fields. Qualifications can be recognised only after successful completion of our current courses. Fees applicable for membership are revised annually.

The Marine LNG Institute is relied upon by our international global student base and our existing corporate client base. Our expert world leading lecturers in LNG in fields such as petrochemical science, marine engineering, and technicians have a variety of sea going experience and have served as Chief Engineers and also ashore as LNG superintendents. Our online learning expertise features strongly in all maritime and marine industries involved in marine engineering, machinery, maintenance, LNG, oil and gas, marine safety, propulsion, vessel part procurement, manufacturing, component integrity, compliance, marine insurance, cargo handling and equipment. In addition, we are the leading online distance learning provider of LNG naval and commercial shipping, vessel marine engineering, and marine surveying, to the maritime industry for global marine insurance underwriters.

Download the particular Course Prospectus from the Marine LNG Institute’s website –  It includes all the student and course information.

All courses and individual modules are assessed.  Some assessments are via online tests, others via written tutor marked assignments, some by online exam and some via a blend of assessment methods.

Online assessments are managed by our learning management team and are used to test student understanding and learning throughout the course, whilst traditional written assignments are managed by ourselves and relevant course academic partners.  Some courses may include optional seminars. Please see the specific course prospectus for more via our website –

Yes, just contact our administration staff. In-company training delivery of our courses can be delivered, up to a maximum of 10 students per course, to ensure full course delivery and learning outcomes. This includes online VLT instructor led workshops to reinforce learning, and online testing and assessment. It is the client’s responsibility to enrol their students online as early as possible in a course they wish to undertake with the Institute online.

The Marine LNG Institute gives LNGCAS® accreditation to courses that may be delivered by registered training organizations [R.T.O] internationally. Accreditation with the Marine LNG Institute ensures that courses are internationally recognized and meet an established LNG industry, enterprise, educational, legislative or community needs. A responsive and thorough assessment thoroughly assesses applications for course accreditation.

We will only accredit a course if satisfied that: ‘There is a need for the course’ or ‘The course outcomes do not duplicate any endorsed Training Package out comes’. We commit to providing timely and responsive service and keep applicants informed throughout the accreditation process. Clarity of role and independence of the Marine LNG Institute – The Marine LNG Institute engages with course developers and global training organizations during the assessment process. As an independent authority – training organization we cannot provide consultancy services. Transparency and continuous improvement – We commit to transparency in our accreditation processes and activities.

We monitor the effectiveness, efficiency, and consistency of the course accreditation processes through: annual accreditation surveys, client feedback, and internal continuous improvement processes. Information gathered through these monitoring activities informs and guides our strategies for improvement and delivery of professional education outcomes.